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AlJazeeraEnglish | Is the WHO mishandling the coronavirus response? | Inside Story ...

More and more countries are reporting cases of the coronavirus. The World Health Organization is worried that some of the new infections appear to have no direct link to China, where the outbreak was first reported in December. New deaths have been reported in Iran and Italy, and the number of infected people has doubled in South Korea. The head of the WHO is warning the window of opportunity to contain the virus globally is narrowing. The UN agency has been criticised for being slow to act on this epidemic, as well as previous health crises. Should the WHO change its approach? Presenter: Nastasya Tay Guests: Margaret Harris - Spokeswoman for the World Health Organization Peter Hotez - Dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine Muhammad Munir - Lecturer in Biomedicine at Lancaster University Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #WHO #coronavirus

Source: ALJAZEERAENGLISH - 61 views


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