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AlJazeeraEnglish | Could Turkey's response to Syrian air strikes trigger a new refugee crisis? | Inside Story ...

It's the biggest single-day loss of Turkish soldiers in Syria's civil war. 33 of them were killed on Thursday by government air strikes in Idlib, the last rebel-held province. Turkey retaliated with attacks on Syrian army positions. It also appears to be putting pressure on allies in Europe to respond. Ankara says it won't stop Syrian refugees who want to cross border points into the European Union. If this happens, it would go against a 2016 deal for EU funds in return for hosting refugees. Could this tension trigger a new humanitarian crisis? Presenter: Kamahl Santamaria Guests: Mehmet Celik - managing editor of the Daily Sabah English language newspaper in Turkey Wilf Dinnick - spokesman on Syria for the humanitarian aid organisation Mercy Corps Fadi Hakura - Consulting fellow in the Europe programme at the international think-tank Chatham House - Subscribe to our channel: - Follow us on Twitter: - Find us on Facebook: - Check our website: #SyriaWar #Turkey #InsideStory

Source: ALJAZEERAENGLISH - 60 views


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